~I’ve sought help to find my inner self about 3 months ago. I could honestly say today, I got rid of things that no longer served me and that were holding me back. With the help of “Shawna Wilson” I was able to recognize that the answers to my problems were within me! I got my power back, and now I’m taking my life back.
~I was in a dark place at one point in my life… just lost. I stopped sharing my issues with my closest friends and family, cause I didn’t want to be judged and most of their responses were biased. I almost lost hope, it’s crazy to think I almost gave up on myself. But then right before I hit my breaking point,I stumbled on this website. I grew the courage to confide again within a coach and slowly I didn’t feel alone anymore. 6 months after seeking guidance, I still incorporate the teachings I learned. I haven’t had that rock bottom feeling or thought ever since.
~I friend recommended this site to me, at first I was sceptical. Yet still I took a leap of faith, because I thought things technically couldn’t get any worse for me.. but I’m glad I took that step, no regrets at all. I was able to find closure & heal from things I wasn’t aware were the sources of my distress. I highly recommend!
~I don’t know where to start… but thank you. Truly, you guys changed my life in ways I used to think were a dream. I’m literally living my dream life. For that I’m truly thankful
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